SPD Control Systems Corporation


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SPD Smart Glass


SPD Smart Glass is a revolutionary technology using patented SPD (suspended particle device) film. By regulating the electrical voltage applied to the film, users can enjoy a wide range of light-control benefits. Compared to other switchable materials, SPD Smart Glass glass provides an unparalleled ability to rapidly and precisely “tune” the window to a desired level of transparency within 1 to 3 seconds, regardless of the window size.  SPD Smart Glass windows also are available with either glass or plastic substrates, can be applied to curved surfaces, have a wide range of operating temperatures, and block up to 99% of ultraviolet (UV) light.

SPD Control Systems Corporation is the first company to dedicate itself not to the creation of SPD windows and underlying technology but to the control and utilization of finished SPD-Smart products.  

SPD Control Systems Corporation is a licensee of Research Frontiers Incorporated, the developer and licensor of SPD technology. For more information about the technology and SPD-Smart products, please visit www.SmartGlass.com.

Research Frontiers Incorporated licensees   >> RFI Licensees


RFI SPD Fact Sheet   >> SPD Fact Sheet






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